Reframe It! Mindset Motivation Podcast
Reframe It! Mindset Motivation Podcast
The Doors // End of Season 2
Yes, this week's episode, The Doors, is where we will close Season 2 of the RIMM podcast.
Remember, The Doors will pull details from The Orchard, so if you haven't listened to that episode already, do that first!
For the next few months, I will be developing another podcast show, so ending Season 2 of RIMM now will give me the time needed to thoughtfully execute it. Stay tuned!
Still, make sure to keep your subscription to RIMM active! You will not only be alerted when RIMM returns in 2021, but will also be aware of any bonus episodes I may throw out there if the spirit leads me ... ;)
Until then ... be safe, be wise, be mindful of others ...
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The Reframe It! Online Course: 30 Days to Effective Stress Reduction - Use promo code PODCAST for $20 off: https://reframeitmindsetmotivation.com/online-course
Support the Reframe It! Mindset Motivation Podcast directly: PayPal.Me/EricaRMaier